massmind - Get Together - Spirit, Soul and Body: The Universal Call to Contemplation

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When:   April 25, 2009 9:00am-4:00pm
Where:   Center for Spiritual Development
434 S. Batavia St
Orange, CA 92868-3907

Location: St. Joseph Center, Mother Louis Room
Price:   $50 includes lunch
Type:   Retreat

A day retreat on Saturday at the Center for Spiritual Development.

The call to contemplation and mystical depth is not only found in every spiritual tradition; it is meant for every person, not just professional religious. Based on the pioneering work of the English monk Bede Griffi ths and his predecessor Abhishiktananda, Cyprian Consiglio has built a practice and program that integrates the study of and techniques from the Eastnotably Hinduism and Buddhismwith the wisdom of Eastern and Western Christianity for an experience aimed at the whole personspirit, soul and body. As Bede Griffiths taught the need to integrate all three of these aspects of the person at all timeswhat Ken Wilber would later call integral spiritualitythe days will include yoga, meditation, music and chanting, sacred reading, teaching, prayer and discussion. Friday evening features a concert of contemplative music and Saturday offers a contemplative retreat day. $25 for the Friday evening concert and $50 for the retreat day (includes lunch)

Additional Info/Contact:
Information: (714)744-3175 | (714)744-3176 fax | csdinfo@csjorange.orgThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript