We are one
week away from the next in the series of ANEevents and there is still time to register! Dont miss out on what will surely be a fantastic discussion on balance with our members and guests. Please consider attending and feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues and friends. There are nearly 40 people registered so far and we have room for plenty more at the beautiful Inn at Lambertville Station overlookingthe Delaware River.
As leaders, we are wired towards productivity and performance. But the scales can easily tip to the point where the job is controlling us, throwing our priorities out of whack. How can we consistently maintain a pattern of a balanced life, blending our family, work, health and spiritual lives to their greatest potential?
We invite you to join us for an evening of dinner, discussion and networking with special guest speaker Bob Weinhold on the important
subject of maintaining balance.
To register using PayPal, click here. Please be certain to click the "PayPal update total" button. When your registration is complete, PayPal will generate a receipt.
To register by mail, please send contact information and a check to: A New Equilibrium, 140 Hunt Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540
To register via e-mail, please send contact information to
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