Ireland has bad balance sheet but basics are strong
The Irish Times |
David C. McCourt's Op Ed on the European debt crisis.
Let the Celtic Tiger Roar Again
The Wall Street Journal |
David C. McCourt's Op Ed on the European debt crisis.
Skyware Global enters tactical satellite market
Satellite Evolution Group Satnews Daily Satellite Today |
Skyware Global has established the Tactical Ground Systems (TGS) division to enter the tactical satellite market. This division will exploit the company's existing in-house antenna and RF electronics design capabilities as well as its high-quality, high-volume production and low-cost credentials to offer affordable solutions for fixed, motorized and mobile tactical terminals for Defense, Homeland Security, Intelligence, First Responder, Emergency Services and other government and stringent commercial applications. The TGS Group is rolling out a portfolio of products focusing on turnkey solutions for vehicle-mounted, FlyAway and ManPack platforms in sizes ranging from 45cm to 2.4m and operating at C-, X-, Ku- and Ka-Bands.
Skyware Global introduces first 69cm Ka-Band ODU
Satellite Evolution Group |
Skyware Global has announced its latest innovative product, the 69cm Ka-Band Outdoor Unit (ODU). The company designed and manufactured the world's first consumer Ka-Band antenna in 2004 and more than 1.4 million are now in use in North America alone. It has also designed the world's most versatile Ka-Band VSAT transceiver range, covering both commercial and military bands. The company's other Ka-Band products include the 66cm Ka-Band antenna, the 74cm Ka-Band antenna and the 98cm Ka-Band ODU.
Skyware Global... Ka-Banding Together
Satnews Daily |
Skyware Global has announced its latest product, the 69cm Ka-Band Outdoor Unit (ODU). This notable addition to Skyware Global's Ka-Band portfolio debuts at next month's Confederation of Aerial Industries' (CAI) 2011 Trade Fair in Leeds, UK, and will then be showcased at CommunicAsia2011 in Singapore later that month.
Honours for Shool's Advisory Board Member
UCD News |
Telecom pioneer appointed as USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism's inaugural Economist-in-Residence and invited by President Nicolas Sarkozy to the prestigious EG8 Forum to advise political leaders about the digital ecosystem.
David C. McCourt, founder and CEO of Granahan McCourt Capital and Skyware Global is continuing to be tapped for his expertise in being in the forefront in building businesses in telecommunications and digital communications.
Skyware Global has announced the opening of a new office in the Washington DC area
Satnews Daily |
The facility, located on Spring Hill Road in Tyson's Corner (Vienna, VA) will comprise both engineering and sales teams and is designed to further support the company's substantial client base in the Washington DC region. The company is actively sourcing new engineering talent to strengthen its existing global operations as well as seeking industry-leading engineers to head up its Washington DC office.
Economist in Residence McCourt Tells Students How to Succeed in Today's Media Economy
USC Annenberg |
On April 7, USC Annenberg held its inaugural Economist in residence presentation with David C. McCourt, chairman and CEO of Skyware Global, who has more than 30 years of entrepreneurial experience in the telecommunications and media industries. His visit was part of USC Annenberg's Media, Economics & Entrepreneurship M{2e} initiative, a semester-long speaker series designed to build economic awareness in journalism and communication students. His topic, "The Road Ahead," offered advice on how students an adapt to and succeed in today's changing media economy.
Helping to Shape the Future of Students through his Communications Expertise
Satnews Daily |
David McCourt, Founder and CEO of Granahan McCourt Capital and Skyware Global, has been appointed by the prestigious University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism as its first Economist-in-Residence. His tenure begins on April 4th, with a keynote speech to the school in which he will discuss the challenges and opportunities created by the disruption of the traditional media industrys business models and highlight the necessity of innovation and entrepreneurial qualities.
The Road Ahead
USC Annenberg |
USC Annenberg's Media, Economics & Entrepreneurship M{2e} presents: "The Road Ahead," with David C. McCourt, USC Annenbergs 2011 Economist in Residence. USC's Dean Ernest J. Wilson III , communication professor Christopher Holmes Smith and journalism professor Gabriel Kahn welcome USC Annenbergs 2011 Economist in Residence David C. McCourt, CEO and Founder of Granahan McCourt Capital for a discussion on the challenges and opportunities created by the disruption of the traditional media industrys business models.
Net Neutrality: A Force For Good?
Raedar |
2011 has the potential to be a milestone year for the internet, prospectively the most defining since its inception, as the issue of net neutrality looks to be reaching a series of conclusions. You may not know what it is, or fully understand what it means, but the debate and its outcomes will have overarching and considerable effects worldwide and across all industries.
The Status of the Global Telecoms Industry Between Anxiety and a Bright Future
Frost & Sullivan |
As Seen in The Wall Street Journal and Washington Business Journal
FT World Telecoms Conference
London |
David C. McCourt, Chairman and CEO of Skyware Global, speaks at the FT World Telecoms Conference in London on the role of regulation for a global communications business.
Focus... A Case Of Terminal Innovation
SatMagazine |
From its rich heritage, Skyware Global is a new and dynamic player in the SATCOM space, offering OutDoorUnit (ODU) terminal equipment for Direct-To-Home (DTH), Consumer Broadband, and Enterprise VSAT applications in new ways that begin to bridge the digital divide between those with high speed cable/fibre/dsl access and those without such access.
Skyware Global Launches
Skyware Global has announced its expansion into Asia with a base in Shenzhen, China. Working with Skyware Global's US and UK engineering operations, its Asian suppliers and manufacturing partners, this division represents another step to ensure that the potential of satellite communications can be fully exploited around the world.
Skyware Global... Asian Advances
Satnews Daily |
Skyware Global's Asian expansion is setting up base in Shenzhen, China - this will be a division that will provide technical support and consultancy for the company's products and services and will operate from Shenzhen, China.
The FCC vs. Broadband Investors
The Wall Street Journal |
Mr. McCourt's Op Ed on the Federal Communications Commission's intention to establish new rules to regulate the Internet.
Skyware Global... Venezuelan
Skyware Global has been awarded a contract by Advantech Wireless Broadband to design and supply antennas for its recent multimillion dollar contract win to provide a new VSAT satellite communications network to the Venezuelan national telecommunications service provider, CANTV.
Irish Graduates Need
Ireland might not be able to compete with low-cost countries but it can come out of the recession by training its young people in a different way, according to Skyware Global CEO David McCourt, an Irish-American, who spends much of his time in County Clare, Ireland.
Satellite Frozen Out of US National Broadband Plan
Satellitefinance |
The satellite industry reacted with resigned consternation to this week's release of the US Federal Communications Commission's National Broadband Plan, which made virtually no reference to satellite technology as a means of achieving the federal government's ambitious goals to extend broadband coverage to every American citizen.
Skyware Global Wins ViaSat Contract
Satellitefinance |
Skyware Global, the newly amalgamated provider of antennae and electronic solutions, has signed a deal with ViaSat to provide two Ka-band new antenna models for the distribution of satellite broadband. Skyware Global CEO David McCourt said: "Ka-band and satellite broadband has been a long time coming. I think that Ka has proven it's a technology that'll have many applications. I think the enterprise players and the consumer players are going to morph into broadband satellite players that are not restricted to either market. With the increased investment from ViaSat, Eutelsat and Avanti, you could easily see the current satellite broadband user base of one or two million grow to 10 million worldwide in a few years."
Skyware Global & UCD
Skyware Global announced a strategic partnership with University College Dublin to deliver an industry-focused partnership for top engineering and technology students. Professor Tom Brazil, Head of Electronic Engineering from UCD commented: "Through this partnership our students will be able to work with Skyware Global's engineering teams based in the UK, Germany and the US on cutting edge satellite technology, gaining valuable industry experience and potentially changing how people around the world communicate. This partnership is an excellent industry fit with our strong Science Foundation Ireland-funded research activity in RF and microwave engineering." |
Skyware Global Teams Up
Irish third-level students are being offered the chance to gain industry experience as part of a new agreement between UCD and satellite equipment firm Skyware Global. The partnership will allow engineering and technology students in UCD's School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering to get experience in various departments of the multinational, as part of an internship programme. Skyware teams based in Britain, Germany and the US will take on the interns. Skyware chief executive David McCourt said UCD's approach to training graduates is unique. "UCD, unlike most universities, aspires to train engineers in a more holistic way, with a deep understanding of other disciplines beside engineering," he said. |
Skyware Global Teams Up
Irish third-level students are being offered the chance to gain industry experience as part of a new agreement between UCD and satellite equipment firm Skyware Global. The partnership will allow engineering and technology students in UCD's School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering to get experience in various departments of the multinational, as part of an internship programme. Skyware teams based in Britain, Germany and the US will take on the interns. Skyware chief executive David McCourt said UCD's approach to training graduates is unique. "UCD, unlike most universities, aspires to train engineers in a more holistic way, with a deep understanding of other disciplines beside engineering," he said. |
Up in the Sky
North West Business Insider |
"Satellite broadband was a niche product that would fill in when someone had no other alternative," says David McCourt, chief executive of Skyware Global. "But the new satellites going up are able to provide similar speeds, and the new business models are looking at similar pricing, so I think it will be a direct competitor." |
Irish-American Business 100
Irish America Magazine |
David C. McCourt is named one of the top 100 Irish-American business leaders by Irish America Magazine. Being honored with this award, he joins a distinguished list of previous winners including Hillary and Bill Clinton, Daniel Day-Lewis, Donald Keough, Will Ferrell, Caroline and Edward Kennedy, John McCain, Rear Admiral Timothy S. Sullivan, Tom Coughlin and others. |
Executive Spotlight:
In 2008, David C. McCourt formed Satellite Holdings, LLC, a partnership between private investment firms McCourt Capital, LLC and The Edgewater Funds. Since then, he has begun a series of high-profile acquisitions to found Skyware Global - the world's first total solutions provider of antenna systems. Here he gives us his industry predictions and explains why Skyware Global is well-positioned to support future growth. |
Skyware Global Appoints
Skyware Global has announced the appointments of Mike Murray as New Product Introduction Manager for Antenna Systems, Peter Matuschik as New Product Introduction Manager for Electronics, Evangelos Avramis as Principal RF Engineer for Electronics, and Ronald Fowler as ODU Systems Engineer. Derek Grice, previously Technical Director of Skyware Global, has also been appointed to the Skyware Global Advisory Board. |
Satellites touted as solution to UK's rural broadband issue |
Satellite broadband could be the answer to Britain's digital divide, according to internet industry experts. David McCourt, CEO of Skyware Global, told that the government "will have to look at satellite technology as a solution to providing broadband across the country". |
Skyware Targets Global Presence
SatelliteFinance |
Over the past year, Satellite Holdings LLC, a buyout vehicle formed by private investment firms The Edgewater Funds and Granahan McCourt, has made a series of strategic acquisitions in the integrated satellite antenna space, snapping up UKbased Raven Group, the DTH, VSAT and RF business units of ASC Signal Corp and Philips subsidiary Skyware Radio Systems. Those assets were recently merged under the name Skyware Global and the company is now looking to build a global footprint. Speaking to SatelliteFinance, David McCourt, CEO of Satellite Holdings and founder of Granahan McCourt, explained the reason for the name change and companys investment rationale. |
Taking Companies to the Next LevelSeptember/October, 2009 Satellite Evolution |
In 2008, Satellite Holdings, LLC was formed by the partnership of two private investment entities. Their first acquisition was Raven Antenna Systems, followed by ASC Signal. Helen Jameson speaks to David C. McCourt, Chairman and CEO of Satellite Holdings, LLC about the investments the venture has made and about the future of the companty they have formed. In this article Mr. McCourt talks about his company's future and goals, about what factors does he consider before investing in a company, how recession effected the satellite business, about the strategic acqusition plans for Satellite Holdings, LLC, his vision of the company's future and others.
Granahan McCourt Acquires Assets of ASC Signal CorporationJune 4, 2009 |
Granahan McCourt Capital, LLC acquires the strategic assets of ASC Signal Corporation through its holding company, Satellite Holdings, LLC. Through a series of strategic acquisitions, Satellite Holdings and its group of companies (including Raven Group) will become a total solutions provider of integrated outdoor units and associated electronics and equipment. The acquisition of ASC Signal Corporation's Direct-to-Home (DTH), Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), and Radio Frequency electronics (RF), plus the 100% stock purchase of the Germany-based Skyware Radio systems (a unit previously owned by Philips - NYSE:PHG) will add customers, talent and scale to the global offering. In addition to manufacturing facilities in the UK and US, the company also has engineering operations in England, Scotland and Germany.
Granahan McCourt Buys Raven Group to Become the Total Solutions Provider for Consumer Satellite SystemsFebruary 5, 2009 |
Granahan McCourt Capital, LLC, through holiding company, Satellite Holdings, LLC acquires Raven Group, Ltd, a leading design-manufacturer of direct broadcast, satellite broadband and VSAT antenna systems. Filling a void in the world-wide RF microwave space, Granahan McCourt will leverage Raven's current position as the most innovative producer of antenna systems and will apply the same ingenuity and design expertise into offering products and services providing a complete ODU (outdoor unit) solution for customers around the world.
Financially Speaking....Raven Group Ltd....February 5, 2009 |
As seen on, satnews publishers report that Raven Group Ltd, has announced that Granahan McCourt Capital LLC, and the Edgewater Funds invested in the Company to boost its expansion with total solutions for integrated outdoor units as well as associated electronics and equipment.
Moguls feel the Pull of Web TelevisionApril 17, 2007 |
In this Financial Times opinion piece, "Moguls feel the pull of web television", David C. McCourt, Chairman and CEO of Granahan McCourt Capital, LLC, and Chairman and CEO of Narrowstep, Inc., a tv-over-the-internet company, provides further clarity of how video-over-IP will affect the traditional Hollywood business model. McCourt further comments on how technology, once again, will fuel the rise of consumer power with new tools and services being developed around an industry which allows the convergence of all sorts of consumer entertainment and communication.
Talent Agency and Net Firm Partner
March 9, 2007 |
Narrowstep, Inc., a Granahan McCourt company enters into a strategic partnership with talent and brand powerhouse, William Morris. The partnership is designed to leverage William Morris clients, which include top Hollywood talent and Fortune 500 brands, to create and launch television-like programming using Narrowstep technology and solutions. The strategic partnership reinforces the opportunity to leverage traditional media assets to take advantage of the exponential growth that is forecasted in the online video space. The alliance also stands out as a validation of Narrowstep's strategy, technology and product offering.
Little Guys Could Take Hollywood out of the pictureJuly 21, 2006 |
In this Financial Times opinion piece, David C. McCourt, Chairman and CEO of Granahan McCourt Capital, LLC, share his views on the impact of video- over-the-Internet and how it impacts the traditional Hollywood business model.
Investing in the next big thing: Using the Internet for downloading and viewing video |
The media and telecommunications industry is considered one of the most volatile business sectors there is. Yet David C. McCourt has spent most of the past 25 years identifying and successfully capitalizing on opportunities in the ever-shifting media and telecom realm. Recently, his private investment firm, Granahan McCourt Capital, LLC, was lead investor in a TV-over-the-Internet company, Narrowstep Inc., and Mr. McCourt shares his views on where the industry is headed.
What's a Polite Word For 'Shakedown'?October 1, 2005By David C. McCourt |
In a special opinion essay to the Wall Street Journal written by media and telecom investor, David C. McCourt offers a view on how regulatory change is important to ensure "net neutrality" and the consumer's right to choice for competing network, content and service providers.
Emmy Award for Irish BusinessmanJune 1, 2005 |
Irish American telecom and media investor David C. McCourt was awarded an Emmy at the 33rd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony for his role as producer of the critically acclaimed Reading Rainbow children's series. McCourt started investing in media companies back in 1983 in the Caribbean where he built and owned the first independent television station on the island of Grenada and began producing a variety of family programming for the Caribbean market. McCourt continues to have a keen interest in media, " Ireland is a great place to work and is full of creative people, so we are looking into a series there. Winning an Emmy certainly gives you the freedom to look at ideas like that", said McCourt.
Emmy Award for TV producer with links to NewmarketMay 30, 2005 |
David C. McCourt, an Irish American businessman and television producer with strong ties to Newmarket-on-Fergus, has won an Emmy award. McCourt recently joined the North American Board of Smurfit School of Business, UCD. The Smurfit School North American Board is chaired by Jim Quinn, President, Tiffany & Co, who heads a thirty member board of prominent and influential Irish-American business and political figures.
Future looks bright for McCourtMay 29, 2005 |
According to veteran telecom and media investor, David C. McCourt, distribution of content over the Internet is changing the industry and leveling the playing field for independent producers of film and television. McCourt started investing in media companies back in 1983 in the Caribbean where he built and owned the first independent television station on the Island of Grenada. McCourt has always been committed to bringing the best products to consumers - whether it was integrated telecom services or the highest quality programming and he continues to believe that these businesses are not only built around the customers but they are also very rewarding financial investments.
Area man wins Emmy for producing children's TV seriesMay 27, 2005 |
Telecom and media investor, David C. McCourt was awarded an Emmy for Outstanding Children's series for his role as producer of the critically acclaimed series Reading Rainbow of which he has been a part of for over 10 years. McCourt is chairman and CEO of Granahan McCourt Capital and has started 10 media and telecom businesses during the past 25 years.
Smurfit School Board Member Awarded EmmyMay 20, 2005 |
Irish-American telecom and media investor, David C. McCourt, was awarded an Emmy at the 33rd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards Ceremony for his role as Producer of the critically acclaimed Reading Rainbow children's series. Commenting on the award, David McCourt said, "the TV Business is going to change more in the next 10 years than the telecom business has changed in the last 10 years, and we intend to play a role in that change."
The Telecom (Better Late Than Never) RevolutionJanuary 4, 2005 |
Is it possible that, eight years after the landmark 1996 Telecommunications Act was passed, federal regulators are finally understanding what the telecommunications revolution was supposed to be about?
McCourt looks to future, as his past his honored November 4, 2004 |
Roots, tradition and family are very important to veteran media and telecom investor, David C. McCourt, who has traveled extensively around the world and is recognized as a transformational force in the telecommunications field. Based on his global credentials as a successful telecom and media investor as well as having received the 2004 American Irish Historical Society Gold Medal Award, an article recently published speculated that McCourt's name was on a short list to be considered as ambassador to Ireland if Democratic presidential challenge John Kerry had won Tuesday's election.
Who would Kerry pick?October 19, 2004 |
David C. McCourt, veteran media and telecom investor, is speculated to be one of the individuals that Kerry might select as ambassador to Ireland should Kerry win the White House.
PeoplePrinceton Packet |
David McCourt will be honored with the 2004 Gold Medal from the American Irish Historical Society, an award previously bestowed on President Ronald Reagan, author Mary Higgins Clark and musician and human rights advocate Bono.
50th anniversary of the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors ProgramThe UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Program, |
David C. McCourt, Executive Producer of the series "What's Going On?" attends the United Nations Screening to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors Program.
Town TopicsMay 5, 2004 |
The American Irish Historical Society has awarded media and telecommunications entrepreneur and business leader David McCourt its 2004 Gold Medal for lifetime achievements.
United Nations, RCN Team for Irish FilmThe Irish Voice |
The United Nations and RCN co-sponsor a Showtime series highlighting the need for understanding among differing groups in the most troubled areas of the world. |
iTTV is a new approach in television viewing |
A marriage of original, innovative television programming and the immediate and empowering nature of the Internet. Created for RCN for its customers in New York City and Queens, iTTVis a one-of-a-kind television network that gives you, the viewer, the power to directly shape the programming you see on a daily basis by providing your feedback (positive or negative) through the iTTV website.
Local stories, global pain: TV documentary profiles Troubles' young survivors
The 10 th episode of "What's Going On", a documentary series produced by RCN Entertainment and the United Nations tells the harrowing story of Irish youth struggling with the violence and conflict in Northern Ireland.
McCourt President Gets White House AwardMarch 18, 1987 |
McCourt Cable Systems President and CEO receives the first ever White House "C-Flag" award from President Ronald Reagan. |
American Irish Historical Society Names Entrepreneur David C. McCourt its 2004 Gold Medal Awards RecipientApril 7, 2004 |
American Irish Historical Society has named veteran telecommunications and media investors, David C. McCourt its 2004 Gold Medal Award recipient. Previous recipients of the Society's Gold Medal include President Ronald Reagan, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, business leader Donald Keough, author Mary Higgins Clark, and humanitarian / musician Bono.
Seizing the Phone Giants' TurfApril 9, 2001 |
Five years after the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which promised to open broad vistas of competition in formerly cloistered markets, David C. McCourt's RCN is the only company of significant size that is focused on giving consumers an alternative to the local telephone and cable television monopolies for a combination of local phone, cable TV and high-speed Internet services. AT&T, WorldCom and a few cable companies have made efforts to give consumers an alternative source of local phone service, but no other significant company is competing against local incumbents with RCN's breadth of services. One key reason many analysts expect RCN to survive the downturn is that Mr. McCourt raised billions of dollars when the getting was good. Having parlayed his cable ditch-digging skills into small communications companies - one in Boston, a second in London - that he nurtured and then sold, Mr. McCourt used his proceeds in 1993 to start a partnership with the Peter Kiewit construction empire, to take control of a small communications company in Pennsylvania called C-Tec. After a series of spinoffs, Mr. McCourt kept the company that is now called RCN - the name was derived from "residential communications network" - which he moved to Princeton.
Going High FiberJune 2000 |
For his latest venture, veteran media and telecom investor, David C. McCourt, has raised more than $3 billion last year alone (including $1.65 billion from Paul Allen's Vulcan Ventures) and has the backing of construction/investment powerhouse Peter Kiewit Sons. McCourt's RCN had laid more than 3,646 miles of fiber, by the end of 1999, an increase of 156 percent over 1998. McCourt is keeping his focus keen on his business plan and views his latest venture as a once-a-century opportunity, akin to the days 100 years ago when telephone lines were being laid, or a generation ago when cable was. Usually, in a capital-intensive business, the first person in has a huge advantage, he says. But here, the technical, regulatory, and consumer environments are changing so rapidly that a new business like ours has the advantage of competing in a cost-effective way. Taking advantage of the cheaper movement of data over the Internet, McCourt says that by first quarter 2001 his long distance service will be delivered that way, followed, eventually by local telephone. McCourt is also clearly excited about the unknown and unknowable offerings of the future, claiming that when electricity was built, it was for lights. But today only 9 percent of electrical use is lights. That's how it will be for bandwidth.
House-to-House in telecom warAugust 5, 1998 |
Veteran media and telecom investor, David C. McCourt, has his RCN executives travel in Hummers, not limos. Guerilla insurrection is their business as they sell phone, Internet and cable TV service to residential customers of the big guys. That's right: individual customers. While others target the business crowd, RCN fights house to house. McCourt spun RCN Corp. out of C-Tec Corp. in 1997. C-Tec Corp. split itself last September into three publicly traded companies. The spin-offs are RCN Corp., Cable Michigan Inc., consisting of C-Tec's Michigan cable operations, and Commonwealth Telephone Enterprises Inc. Spinning into three companies helped former C-Tec shareholders, whose stock was worth about three times its price as of last October. RCN had a 2-for-1 stock split in April
Resist the Urge to Merge August 27, 1998 |
In response to the recent wave of mega-mergers sweeping the telecommunications industry, David McCourt writes an editorial for the New York Times explaining why the mergers of the nation's telecommunications monopolies are unlikely to create great companies.
Stand and DeliverApril 18, 1998 |
Veteran media and telecom investor, David C. McCourt, tries hard to make sure his startup company's New York office look more like a guerrilla hideout than the headquarters of a telecoms firm. With its modest overheads, RCN's prices are typically about 5-10% lower a discount that can rise to 30% if customers choose all three services. Mr. McCourt is targeting mainly the lower-middle classes who tend to watch more TV and care more about its cost. Harlem, reports Mr. McCourt, is a better market for RCN than the Upper East Side. Mr. McCourt knows that one of the enemy's weakest spots is marketing: No empire lasts forever, proclaims a poster of Lenin, especially one that keeps you waiting five hours for a repairman. The result of Mr. McCourt's 25-years of successful investing in telecom and media is that they have given him impeccable credentials as a telecoms revolutionary.
RCN's High Wire Act December 27, 1997 |
Veteran media and telecom investor, David C. McCourt, claims his company RCN Corporation can beat the entrenched phone and cable monopolies because, among other things, the executives of these companies have spent their entire careers as monopolists and have no clue what it takes to market to every-day consumers. McCourt also knows that his customer service and operations are better than that of the incumbent phone and cable providers - when customers order a second phone line, RCN's installers will call you, wherever you are, half an hour before they need you at home for the installation. The best incumbent operators like Bell Atlantic can offer customers in markets like New York is a four-hour window.
WorldCom Director Uses Exotic Play to Hedge StakeOctober 15, 1997 |
Outside WorldCom director, David C. McCourt, uses a sophisticated financial instrument to protect his investment in WorldCom. McCourt swapped his MFS/McCourt stock for WorldCom shares and received portfolio insurance in the form of a "zero-cost collar" which protects Mr. McCourt's investment against any downdraft in WorldCom's stock below $28 over the next five years
CTEC Surges ahead in phone, cable marketsUSA TODAY |
CTEC of Princeton, N.J., will spin off Commonwealth Telephone Enterprises, Cable Michigan and RCN Communications on Sept. 30. McCourt will run the newly independent RCN, which had $60 million in fiscal 1997 revenue and is building a $7 billion fiber-optic network that will carry voice, cable television and high-speed Internet access over the same wires to residential customers in 24 cities from Washington to Boston.
Excerpt from Forbes - An unchronicled success story on a simple principle: "Cover your downside and the upside will take care of itself"
Walter Scott Jr., of Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. and David C. McCourt use C-TEC as the foundation to offer competitive telecommunication services to residential customers.
Grenadians grab Discovery TVEC News |
Grenada Prime Minister Herbert Blaize confirms that the Grenada government will acquire American-owned Discovery Television. |
TV Free CaribeBoston Business Journal, |
Cable systems czar discusses how his television system in Grenada helps to bring free-thinking to the Caribbean. |
Cable chief boosts NetworkingSunday March 20, 1988 |
David McCourt, discusses how his TV station in Grenada meshes with his interests in politics and business. |
Alternative to High Cable TV Construction Costs offered October, 1983 |
McCourt Cable Systems offer innovative techniques and new technologies along with advanced planning to overcome the cost obstacles associated with complex urban builds. |
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