Our program uses a well-received, small-group discussion format -- program details.
Leadership & Spirituality Summit:
Sustaining Performance
Friday, November 1 and Saturday, November 2
Sponsored by: Princeton Theological Seminary's School of Mission and Vocation
To register: Click here
Summit Leaders
Dr. Stephen G. Payne is an executive leadership coach, speaker, MBA teacher, author and founder of A New Equilibrium - a community of men and women dedicated to expanding their spiritual journey through their leadership work. He challenges leaders to stay more spiritually accountable throughout their entire career. His books and CD's include of The Joy of Work, First Rule of Leadership, Total Leadership, and Driving Growth Through Leadership.
Terry Herring ,a graduate of The Citadel, is President of the Mission Pharmacal Company. Terry's career in the pharmaceutical industry has been noted for his increasingly larger leadership roles, and the consistent recognition of the teams that he builds and empowers. Throughout his career, Terry has intentionally relied upon his faith to inform his work and interactions with others. A proud husband and father, Terry lives in Doylestown, PA and is an Elder at Doylestown Presbyterian Church in Pennsylvania, author of Marching Orders for Leadership Success and Vice Chairman of A New Equilibrium.
Program Speaker
Rev. Dr. Mary Dennis serves as the Director of Programs of the School of Christian Vocation and Mission at Princeton Theological Seminary. An ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church, Mary has 14 years of rich ministerial experience in the parish and in developing and delivering programs for ordained and lay church leaders at the Conference level. She is a certified Christian Educator. Rev. Dennis received her Doctor of Ministry degree in missional evangelism and her Master of Divinity degree (specializing in spiritual formation and discipleship) from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.