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Getting a Flash Lite with a Verizon handset requires using the BREW platform. This is an instruction set on how to push a cell game to your verizon handset.
Add CSS inline html:
<style type='text/css'>
sytle from .css
Or like this within a div:
style="border: 1px; "
An example:
class .intro
‘Rather than a mass customer base, advertising on these blogs gives lobbyists unbridled access to an extremely valuable audience: Britain’s political elite’
<font style="margin:0px; margin-bottom: 9px; padding:0px; ...
Add CSS inline html:
<style type='text/css'>
sytle from .css
Or like this within a div:
style="border: 1px; "
An example:
class .intro
‘Rather than a mass customer base, advertising on these blogs gives lobbyists unbridled access to an extremely valuable audience: Britain’s political elite’
<font style="margin:0px; margin-bottom: 9px; padding:0px; ...
== FAME Installation Instructions ==
* [ Instructions from OSFlash]
=== FAME Components ===
* [[Installing Eclipse]] IDE - [ Download] (i've just used the SDK, not the distros)
* [[Installing ASDT]] - [ How To Install]
* [[Installing FDT Instead of ASDT]] - ...
One of the most common security issues I see in code from new web developers (and even some experienced ones) is not sanitizing user input. They trust user input to have always come from a non-adversarial user interacting with the site through a web browser. Given the HTTP(S) protocol, there is ...
When I was a younger (and more foolish programmer) I was fortunate enough to learn from some talented software developers. One of the many important lessons I learned was the benefits of watching your code excute. Now, to some, that may sound as exciting as watching the grass grow. But ...
Security is something that is very important in all kinds of applications today. I have many more articles I want to write about security (particularly since we fixed a recent security hole). I'm going to start, however, with a review of one of two books I read recently on security. ...
Last time I reviewed one of two books on security that I had recently read. This time I'll review the other book - Secure Coding: Princeiples & Practices by Mark G. Graff and Kenneth R. van Wyk (and published by O'Reilly which puts out excellent books in general).
This ...
A reasonable question to ask really.
My main audience at this point is the development staff at Topaz Group. We are separated both by space and time. By space, because we are spread out and do not share offices or even the same area code. By time because I know ...
Methods Used to Communicate with Adobe Flash and Flex
Setup Cost
Delivery Method
Message Format
Best for
URL Variables
Very low
Very low
URL‐encoded text
Simple data types
XML Connections
Very low
Very low
XML text
Dread Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsytem
See the screengrab below and the discussion on
I lived with this error for a couple of weeks and resorted, ridiculously, to submitting work to the server via ftp.
It finally occurred to me maybe I ...
From Mac Forums
08-20-2007, 10:21 AM
Avatar74 vbmenu_register("postmenu_4070231", true);
macrumors 6502
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by Don Bagles
I don't get it. Handbrake's iPhone preset has the video at 480 horizontal pixels. Can't the iPhone display alot more than that?
What's the ...
= install FAME =
[ Using SVN in Eclipse]
[ Subversion Documentation]
= Flash Tools =
I couldn't get the Numbers keys on my apple keyboard to work, nothing I could do seemed to help. The digits refused to work.
Every time I hit the "clear" button, which is the apple equivalent of Num Lock, I got a little squat sound like the fart of ...
I couldn't get the Numbers keys on my apple keyboard to work, nothing I could do seemed to help. The digits refused to work.
Every time I hit the "clear" button, which is the apple equivalent of Num Lock, I got a little squat sound like the fart of ...
= FDT =
(Flash Development Tool) is a commercial PlugIn for the [[Installing Eclipse]] IDE to use it for authoring ActionScript 2.0. It is developed by the german company [ Powerflasher].
* '''Manufacturer:''' Powerflasher GmbH
* '''Website:''' []
* '''License:''' ...
(Motion Twin ActionScript Compiler) is an open source command-line compiler for [[Flash]] [[ActionScript 2.0]].
* Official website: []
* License: GNU GPL
= ASDT =
(ActionScript Development Tool) is a free PlugIn for the [[Installing Eclipse]] IDE to use it for authoring ActionScript 2.0.
* '''Website:''' []
* '''License:''' GNU GPL
= SWFMill =
a tool that uses [[XML]] files to create a Flash SWF file. It can be used to create a SWF file that contains assets like graphics, sounds, fonts etc. which then can be used with [[Installing MTASC]] to inject [[ActionScript]] [[bytecode]].
* '''Website:''' []
Ok, here it is
If you just want to ignore a single pattern, it’s easy
Svn propset svn:ignore VALUE TARGET
svn propset svn:ignore uploads .
(if you are in the media directory for example)
If you have a list of things to ignore, you need ...
You can have JSFL scripts available within the Flash authoring environment by storing them in one of several folders within the Configuration folder. By default:
* Windows 2000 or Windows XP:
* boot drive|Documents and Settings|user|Local Settings|Application Data|Macromedia|Flash 8|language|Configuration|
* Mac OS X:
* Macintosh HD|Users|userName|Library|Application Support|Macromdia|Flash 8|language|Configuration|
To ...
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