
* Copy this to the root of your site as "SiteConfig.php"
* @package webapp

* the display name of your site
define("SITE_NAME","Topaz Projects");
* the SITE_KEY is used to support multiple sites in a single database.
* even if you have only one site, you must specify a simple short text key to uniquely identify this installation.

* you may define CX_DB_PREFIX to add a prefix to all the db tables

define('SITE_DEPTH', 2);
$dirSite = dirname(__FILE__);

// We want to back up two directories
$pathFile = backUpDirs(dirname(__FILE__), SITE_DEPTH);

* this will change. defines which login system to use.
* its the directory of the login system.
if (!defined('LOGIN')) {

$fDebug = true;

require_once $pathFile . 'GlobalConfig.php';

