Putting HTML elements on top of Flash movies

In order to have HTML elements on top of Flash movies, you need to include the parameter - wmode="transparent"- in your <embed> element. We use HTML elements for our dropdown menus and we generally want them on top of any content on the page. If you also have an <object> ...

Massmind Studio

MassMind studio is the newest division at Topaz Group, focused on premium look and feel interactive video games and multiplayer games. The studio leverages the TopazPort CMS/CRM platform to bring a robust community management infrastructure to games and online interactive events. The Studio currently publishes games developed by independent developers ...

ESPN Arcade splash page

.espnarcade-menu { position:absolute; width:585px; height:14px; top: 0px; left: 0; } .espnarcade-bar { position:absolute; width:296px; height:137px; top: 14px; left: 0; } .espnarcade-barlink1 { position:absolute; width:296px; height:87px; top: 151px; left: 0; } .espnarcade-barlink2 { position:absolute; width:296px; height:92px; top: 238px; left: 0; } .espnarcade-arena { position:absolute; width:296px; height:91px; top: 330px; left: 0; ...


= install FAME = http://fgpwiki.corewatch.net/wiki/FAME#.5B.5BFAME.5D.5D [http://dev2dev.bea.com/pub/a/2005/11/subclipse.html Using SVN in Eclipse] [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ Subversion Documentation] = Flash Tools = [[UsingJSFL]]