Alberto Molina
President and CEO
Alberto leads the development SureTech , dedicated to empowering SMB businesses collaboration by providing teams reliable and secure access to data and applications anytime, anywhere from any device.
His work at SureTech has provided great partnerships with customers ranging from financial services to manufacturing & distribution to non-profits and startups. Prior to SureTech Alberto developed online entertainment ranging from the immensely successful 1999 teen hub with Delias, Inc; to massive multiplayer games and arcade environments for Disney, ESPN and others while working with Topaz Group.
While at Topaz Group Alberto also developed technology projects for Fortune 50 clients, including Schlumberger and American Express.
Alberto works on TopazPort, a CMS application that enables multiple large scale online community websites including the international and non profit collaboratives such as South Jersey Works, Yale Net and DwightHall.

Who am I?
Zen surfing lover of Brown Rice Paella and sitting on craggy cliffs at sunset.

Favorite Smell
Salt water at dawn.

Favorite Cereal?
A mango.

All Time Favorite Gadget
iPhone - but then again my first sony walkman was pretty amazing at the time.

Favorite Childhood Memory?
Riding bareback in the rainforest behind my family's coffee plantations in El Quindio.

Favorite Vacation Spot? Why?
Kauai. If you have to ask...

What do you do at SureTech?
Standardize processes and solutions and save clients money.

Favorite Blog?

Favorite Website?

What do you want clients to know about technology?
That it works.